Check the related article….. Do Indian cast and crew of Slumdog Millionaire lack dignity?
Noorarumaatu said…
I pity Anil Kapoor and Irfan Khan who have been projecting and promoting this movie to be a classic movie despite knowing what they are here.
Biren Mukherjee said…
I feel Aamir’s ‘Tare Jamin Par’ was superb and touchy. Slumdog wins West because it shows Indian poverty and most white people love to see India as a country of slums. As the film leaves barely any impression on us, I believe those who favor this film still are doing so to make dollars at the cost of Indian poverty.
SearchIndia said…
In Slumdog Millionaire, the kids are delightful but their older versions Dev Patel and Freida Pinto are embarrassingly mediocre.
Elango Narayanaswamy said…
And for the music, it’s great but not his best.
Ninja nurse said…
One of the adult professional actors, Anil Kapoor, who plays a nasty talk-show host, has donated his fee for the movie to Plan India, a children’s charity–
“I think it is the good wishes and blessings of the children that were instrumental in the success of the film.” The actor staunchly defends the film, that has been criticized in certain sections for portraying the dark underbelly of Mumbai– dirty slums and poverty.
Kathy said…
The people who created the movie, the actors, and everyone involved with the project should not be worried about winning an award, but more to the point helping these children. Throwing money at the situation, providing oprotunities, and arranging living conditions is not enough.
Senthil said …
Don’t the artists have ethics and morality?
And as I had already said, “If it’s the job of the artists to make movies, what should be our job?”
Sutanu Guru said…
Anil Kapoor - shame on his desperation to do a Hollywood movie that even perverts his own faith-asks Jamal a question about what Lord Ram holds in his right hand.
Veena Mithare (Bangalore, India) said…
What I truly feel is that people who are in a position to influence the general public (the movie directors, writers, politicians, leaders in various fields) need to show more responsibility when they are showing or doing a piece of art that is meant for a larger audience.
S Muthurangan(Naperville, U S) said …
I agree that Danny Boyle’s job is to make movies but not home movies, when he choose high social responsibility movie and touching so many people’s emotion and taking a country’s image to all over world, he has to provide some positive solutions or at least some positive about India towards end of movie. For example, Spike Lee’s emotional social movies, our own Mani Retham’s movies etc…If he want to really help to the clause, he can but not necessary. Everybody can complain but providing some solutions requires special skills and that makes an artist/human fullest.
Desibabu said…
I, a proud INDIAN who is happy for the Indian film fraternity as some of the actors and musicians in movie got global recognition, on the other side the movie makes me cry and I wonder....DAT it sends a wrong message for a great country like INDIA.....
A big shame...from now on, India shall be known for movies too, internationally... And that too this shit movie....
Gayatri Damle (Texas, US) said…
Do you want to spread the message that India is all about slums, poverty and poverty only?? …It hurts when the face of our rich, potent, talented, friendly and beautiful country is smudged in the eyes of the whole world. Do you feel the same?
Pradeep Sebastian said…
It’s the movie where even Irfan Khan gives a bad and boring performance for the first time-that’s the kind of movie Slumdog is.
Dr. Vinay Roy (Canada) said…
I don't know why anybody did not writ in the supreme court to ban this film which is acclaiming rewards.Shame to the directors, producer,actors (Anil kapoor who is seen very happy for nothing in oscar ), Music director Rehman (also given the bad music).
There are so many other countries in the world, which are poorer than India. Indian idiots who are proud about the movie slum dog millionaire must understand this is a propaganda movie came out of colonial attitude. The only happy and funny thing is our great Rahman got world attention for his ordinary work and painfully at a price.
Anup Nair said…
I'm not proud of winning an Oscar for Slumdog, but disappointed that such a bad movie was nominated & won Oscars. Truly a bad portrayal of India, & again proving that we r good at pleasing others at any cost.
Bharath Kumar (Bangalore, India) said…
What the heck he deserves????? If he has talent he has to show it in a right way.....
Then why the hell all the freedom fighters returned their titles and why Mohammed Ali threw his Olympic medal into Thames.... it’s not about talent...
What u are gonna say? If an Indian is talented in Nuclear sciences and helps terrorists u are gonna support him???????
Guest said…
But the whole slum dog unit echoing that it is a story where love triumphs that is beyond me. Actually it is a 'kichidi'... one is confused as to which emotion should surface at the end of the movie. Only the music is different and great but of course no poetry in the songs...
Sanjay Kumar Jha (India) said…
And what is disturbing that our own Hindu brothers like Anil Kapoor and Rahul Dholkia are the part of these international scam.
Shobhit (Hyderabad, India) said…
AR Rahman is one of the best musicians to be walking on earth. He can craft music in every sense of mood. But then ask yourself "is this Rahman's best composition.
Krunal Parikh (U.S) said…
But neither A R Rahman nor any other should be proud of the FILM winning Oscar, saying it to be an Indian movie...
All the other actors (Indians) what were they thinking???? Is money the only thing and not national pride???? Anil Kapoor, Irfan Khan, Mahesh Manjuraker, what were they doing????? That Dev Patel doesn’t know acting...and that Pinto...she looks as if she......and all the other actors.....only the children r worth watching...the small kids.
Ranjit said…
It might be my nationalistic pride that prompts me to criticize the makers square. The Chinese would walk off the table if we criticize their country, American might go to war but we Indians might in all possibility sit on the table and clap. It’s time we take enough pride in our accomplishments and work in the background to root out the evils.
Dharma (Austria) said…
It is true that New Millennium is a time of global awakening. But this awakening is mostly partial and relative to the level of most people's unconsciousness. Many of the movie producers are not necessarily "bad people" but simply unqualified and lost, in truth. They have believed too quickly in the thought "I am now ready to make an Oscar nomination at any cost! “, moreover there is least concern for religious sentiments during these rather sensitive times.
Prasad Athalye (India) said…
All Shameless Hindu Actors and Actresses and viewers who have been glorifying this movie should keep in their minds that nothing is mightier than God and Guru and learn some Self-respect from our great Saints.
Kartik Krishnan said…
What really boils my blood is to see fellow Indians/cine fanatics ranting over rooftops claiming Slumdog is superb...While the execution and craft is superb nonetheless but no one commented on the honesty of the filmmaker.
Cliff said…
Sorry for going all apeshit about this! Can’t stand double standards of these film makers.
Satyabhashnam said…
It just proves that to fit the movie in west likeable square, one should fill it, as Boyle did, with Make-fun-of-India masala to make it western acceptable along with Anti-Hindu prejudice tadka to make it secularly acceptable (or politically correct) then fry it to exploit the poverty of the nation to make it socially acceptable and voilà we have an Indian poverty porn curry which will make every nationalist patriotic Hindu and Indian embarrassed and make the producers, cast and crew of the movie Millionaires at the cost of the exploited Slumdogs (which is no less than a derogatory and condescending term).
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